Let's look our for each other
As we all know, we are facing a very important sanitary crisis because of Covid-19.
Moreover, the mental health consequences of this crisis are not to be under evaluated as a lot of new parents find themselves isolated from their usual social bubble especially if they don't live in the country where they are from.
Here at Mathilde Maternity London, we evaluate the risks very regularly and adapt our practices in order to protect our clients and our staff members as best as we can.
Therefore, we are multiplying our efforts in order to bring you the most valuable and safe experience when you choose to have us provide a service to you.
In order to reassure you, we want to let you know which measures we take to protect each other.
Our team of Maternity Nurses and Breastfeeding consultants get tested regularly for Covid-19 to make sure that we do not bring any risk of infection into your homes when we come to help you.
We provide video-call consultations as well as home visit consultations to make sure you have options and limit the number of visitors into your home.
We have also reinforced our sanitary protocol, therefore, every staff member is obligated to wash their hands and change into clean clothes when they arrive at your homes, change their mask when they arrive and get tested for Covid-19 every 3 weeks.
We strongly believe that we will get through this difficult period together and we want to encourage dialogue. That is why, we try to make ourselves as available as possible to answer your questions and provide you with a support system to avoid isolation and postpartum depression.
Here are some reliable sources of information if you want to know more on how to protect yourself and others around you :
Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Check your symptoms
Self-isolation and treating coronavirus symptoms
Sterilising baby bottles
The Mathilde Maternity Team